Go Eagles!

Grand Rapids Christian High School

Boys Varsity Bowling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys and Girls Varsity Bowling Teams Roll out the Season in the OK Pre-Conference Tournament

5.0 months ago @ 11:18AM
Game Date
Dec 2, 2023

Wow, what an interesting couple of weeks!  The bowlers have all been improving so much already and we are excited to see where this team can go this year.  We have a lot of new faces this year with a wide array of experience and skills.  The Boys and Girls Varsity Bowling Squads rolled out the Bowling season by competing in the OK White Pre-Conference Tournament.  The boys finished the tournament in 6th place, which was only 166 pins out of 3rd. The girls finished in 4th place, which was only 244 pins out of 1st.  This may seem like a lot of pins to most people, but those totals divided by 19 games come down to a mere 8.73 and 12.84 pins per game respectively. Roughly, a spare per bowler or baker game could have greatly propelled the teams positions in the tournament standings.  Basically, this was a very close tournament. Spares make the difference!  Great job by all the Bowlers!

Special congratulations to Zeke Heerema (2nd) and Kendall Vander Ploeg (8th) for both medaling as All Conference Tournament Team!
